Maria G’s Story

My name is Maria and about 8 to 9 years ago after going to get a pap smear I was told that my blood cells were white and cancerous. I had never gone for a pap smear in my life and didn’t know that every woman should be getting this done on a regular basis. I’m lucky and glad I had it when I did as I found out I was in stage 3 of cervical cancer.

My partner at the time wasn’t very supportive and neither were my family. I had them telling me I didn’t know how to take care of myself, that I did this to myself and it was my own fault. There were numerous nights where I’d been unable to sleep, constantly crying and emotional, wondering if I was going to get to live the rest of my life. It’s a scary thing. The next phase was also scary. I had to undergo surgery and had to be on medication for quite some time.

Now I’m better I know I’m a very lucky girl and I’m making sure to stay on top on my health regularly.

My tips for Australian women about cervical health

To make sure you get your regular cervical screening. It doesn’t hurt and it can save your life.