Amy’s Story

I was diagnosed with cervical cancer in October 2013 at the age of 24. I had always had my regular Paps from the age of 17 and they were always normal. I fell pregnant with my daughter around January 2012. During the pregnancy I was so unwell and tired, I looked like I felt like shit! […]

Tracey’s Story

My cervical cancer journey has been, and still is, a difficult journey. Although I have been declared cancer free, the effects on your health, both physical and mental still linger on. I made this video to share my story in the hopes that it may help others.    

Kellie’s Story

My name is Kellie, I am a 29 year old wife and mother and I have just had a full hysterectomy. This is my story… In late February 2015, the day before I was due to be a bridesmaid, I woke up suffering from horrendous stomach cramping and bleeding. I knew something wasn’t right. I […]

Felicity’s Story

My nightmare began on the 5th of October, 2013. I was 22 weeks pregnant when I started having terrible pain. I went to the hospital where I was given an internal and admitted as there was no one to do an ultrasound until morning. Morning came and I woke up bleeding. I had the ultrasound, […]

Marina’s Story

In April 2015 I went to my GP for my normal Pap test check up. My GP saw a lump straight away. A week later I was diagnosed with stage 3 cervical cancer. I fell apart as all I could think about was my baby girl and not knowing if I was going to be […]

Lynnda’s Story

Cervical Cancer. I’ve never known anyone who has gone through cancer, but now here I am facing it myself. I was prompted to have my Pap test after getting the reminder notice for my breast screen. Knowing I had had abnormal results from my last Pap test (although my Dr confirmed at one appointment that […]

Chelsea’s Story

You know that dreaded Pap test us women know all to well? Well, that is where my story began. Towards the end of January 2012, I decided it was time for me to go and have my Pap test, which was 12 months overdue. I was 23 and it wasn’t the first Pap test I’d […]

Amber’s Story

I was told on the 8th of April 2014 that I had cervical cancer. A month later, after some more tests and an operation, I was told I was stage 2B. On the 23rd of June 2014, I started my treatment that was 5 doses of chemotherapy, 28 rounds of radiation and one weekend of […]

Shey’s Story

My name is Shey and this year I was diagnosed with cervical cancer. I’m telling my story not just for myself, but for others out there that have also been diagnosed with early stage cervical cancer. I had no symptoms, and I attribute having a Pap test every 12 months rather than every 2 years […]

Maxine’s Story

Nearly two years ago on the 20th of November 2013 (my sister’s birthday) I was told that I have cervical cancer. Being a woman in the menopause age bracket (lucky me) I put off going to the doctor with symptoms of bleeding after sex, horrendously heavy periods, spotting continuously for months, back pain and leg […]

Riarna’s Story

I am 27. I am a wife, and a mother of a two year old, and am currently battling stage 3 cervical cancer. This is my story in brief. In the early months of 2015, I stopped taking the pill after almost 10 years. Soon after, I started bleeding abnormally and experiencing lower back & […]

Sarah Maree’s Story

Cervical cancer is something you hear about but hope you never have to deal with. I was very lucky to grow up with a Mum, Zara, who always educated my Sisters and I about our bodies and encouraged us to get regular Pap Tests, now called a Cervical Screening Test. In 2002 my Sister Jeanette […]

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Share your own story, or invite a friend to share their story. We would love to include more stories on our website to help others going through similar experiences.

Lou’s Story

Last year in August I went for my routine Pap test, which was about six months overdue. I have suffered from PCOS for a number of years and thought it was playing up again. So a few days after my test I had a internal ultrasound and even though my ovaries were fine they found a mass just […]