Our policies

Australian Cervical Cancer Foundation (ACCF) is a cervical cancer charity in Australia
ACCF is also a Health Promotion Charity, Public Benevolent Institution, Income Tax Exempt Charity, and a Deductible Gift Recipient able to provide tax deductible receipts for cancer donations in Australia. ACCF is also registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) and is a registered company under the Corporations Act (ABN 14 128 546 850). We are authorised by ASIC to not use the word ‘Limited’ in our name due to our charitable status. ACCF is registered under the provisions of the NSW Charitable Fundraising Act 1991 (CFN 20903), Queensland Collections Act 1966 (CH1718), ACT Charitable Collections Act 2003 (Licence No. 1900438), WA Charitable Collections Act 1946 (CC21128), South Australian Collections for Charitable Purposes Act 1939 (Licence no. CCP1383), TAS Collection for Charities Act 2001 (Ref. C/10097), VIC Fundraising Act 1998 (Licence No. 11407).
Governance and corporate documents
ACCF is governed by a Board of Directors and bound by its Constitution and relevant Board and operational policies. Each year the organisation is independently audited.
Annual Reports and ACCF’s Governing Constitution are available for download below.
Annual reports
Annual Report 2022-2023
Annual Report 2021-2022
Annual Report 2020-2021
Annual Report 2023-2024
If you would like to know more about ACCF’s governance procedures or have any questions regarding the above documents, please contact our Company Secretary at info@accf.org.au.
ACCF works to eliminate cervical cancer both in Australia and in developing countries.
Our policies cover both governance and operational with oversight from our Board of Directors. Please see below for some of our Boards governance policies.
Code of Conduct and Ethics (G003)
ACCF’s Code of Conduct and Ethics reflects its commitment to transparency, accountability, and integrity.
Child Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct (P009)
ACCF is committed to the safeguarding of children and recognises that the protection of children in international and overseas countries faces challenges.
Prevention of Sexual Exploitation Abuse and Harassment (SEAH) or (PSEAH) (P014)
The purpose of this policy is to address the behaviour of anyone who represents ACCF about the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse including harassment.
Whistleblower Policy (G005)
The purpose of this policy is intended to encourage Board members, staff, volunteers, and others to report suspected or actual occurrence(s) of illegal, unethical, or inappropriate events (behaviours or practices) without retribution.
Policy Statement of Transparency (G001)
This statement governs the transparency and accountability aspects of support provided in the form of monetary funding.
Non-Development Activity Policy (P007)
A policy that formally sets out ACCF’s commitment to ensure funds and resources are designated for the purpose of aid and development only and to ensure that we accurately represent our activities to the people we work with, our donors and the public.
Privacy Policy (G010)
This policy applies to our activities in fundraising, telemarketing, events we organise and supporter management, and outlines how ACCF collects, uses, and discloses personal information about our supporters and our contact records.
Complaints Policy (P011)
This policy documents ACCF’s value of approaching the receiving concerns and complaints in all relevant communications as an opportunity to maintain and improve the quality of services to our stakeholders.
Complaints Policy
Complaints can be made to ACCF by email, phone, or mail.
All complaints will be directed to our Complaints Manager for consideration and resolution. Please provide your contact details in case we need to request more information or provide you with updates.
Phone numbers
You can call us by phone between 9am and 4pm Monday to Thursday on the following numbers: 1300 727 630 or +61 7 3177 1099.
Should our phone be unattended, you can leave a message detailing the nature of the complaint, your name and a contact number or email address. We will respond as soon as possible.
Complaint management steps
We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint as soon as possible. Typically, this happens within five business days.
Most complaints will be sent a full response and outcome within thirty business days from date of receipt.
For more serious or complex situations, we may need more time to investigate. If your complaint takes longer to resolve than the thirty business days, we will explain the delay and keep you regularly updated.
What can I do if my complaint is not resolved?
If you feel we have not resolved your complaint, you can refer your complaint to ACCF’s Chief Executive Officer by emailing info@accf.org.au.