Beth’s Story

After months of abnormal bleeding and lower back pain my doctor sent me for an ultrasound and referred me to a gynaecologist. At 24 years old I didn’t think it would be anything serious as I had always kept up with regular Pap smears. My gynaecologist did an examination and told me he would be referring me to an oncologist. My heart sank as I knew that this meant cancer. My first appointment with the oncologist was to take biopsies. She told me I would have the results next week but I received a call later that night and she told me I had cancer. My whole world fell apart knowing that this would affect me having children. My first meeting with my doctors was to discuss treatment, I was told I had stage 2b cancer with a 4cm tumour on my cervix. Surgery would not be possible so I had 6 weeks of chemo and radiation and then 3 days of brachytherapy. Before I started treatment I was able to do a round of IVF so I could freeze my eggs as I was told the treatment would send me into early menopause and the radiation would mean I am unable to carry my own baby. I am now finished treatment but I don’t have the results until the 1st of December. My fingers are crossed that I have the all clear and I can start my next journey into surrogacy.

My tips for Australian women about cervical health

Listen to your body! If you feel something is not right then push to get answers!