Jessica M’s Story

I am a 31 year old mother of 4. My children are aged 5-12 years and are my world. I found out I had stage 1b cervical cancer around 3 months ago. It was the scariest day of my life, if the world could have stopped spinning, it would have been at that moment. The thoughts running through my head were crazy, what about my babes, I don’t want to die, why was I so stupid in waiting to get a Pap smear. And that’s just it, it was all my own fault, I put off having a Pap smear done for a very very long time, years and years. If I had of just had one regularly, I could have avoided all of this. I am currently into my fourth week of radiation and chemotherapy. I have one more week left then I will start on my three brachytherapy treatments. Here’s hoping to great news after its all been done.

My tips for Australian women about cervical health

Get a check up, don’t put having a Pap smear off for anything, it could save your life!