Kylie’s Story

I was moving to Canada and finalising things before I left. It occurred that I hadn’t had a Pap test in a while -turned out it was over 5 years! I booked in with my GP and had it done. A week later I had the call that we all dread, the results were abnormal […]
Mel’s Story

I didn’t fight; I learnt to let go At the age of 31, I was diagnosed with cervical cancer. In that time, I’ve gone from cervical cancer patient to volunteer and then manager at the Australian Cervical Cancer Foundation. Today, I’m a health advocate and university tutor (in health promotion). Through my journey, I met […]
Angelica’s Story

In late 2015 I was a fit, active and busy mum of two. We had moved from Tasmania to the Gold Coast two years earlier and were really starting feel at home in Qld. I had been struggling with endometriosis pain every month for 5 years and I ended up in the emergency department of […]
Melissa’s Story

So, my day was travelling along like most others, wrangling the kids and house work. The only difference – I was still recovering from day surgery. But as you know the show must go on, housework doesn’t do itself. Next thing I know, the phone rings and it’s the Midwife in relation to my pathology […]
Lisa’s Story

As one of Australia’s leading keynote speakers, communication experts and cervical cancer survivors, Lisa Lockland-Bell has over 30 years of international experience training, performing and presenting. The collision between Lisa’s career and experience with cancer has formed the foundation of her business today. With a contagious enthusiasm for life, she is changing lives by unlocking […]
Victoria’s Story

This time last year (March 2015), less than a year ago, my weeks were busy with hospital visits at the Mater with pre-natal appointments, feeling my son grow and eagerly awaiting his arrival. After Adam was born a (repeat) Pap test showed pre-cancerous cells on my cervix. Biopsies at a later appointment confirmed it was […]
Neil’s Story

My beautiful wife Chrissy was first diagnosed with cervical cancer in January 2014 when she was 40 years old. It came as a huge shock, especially as only 6 months earlier she had given a caesarean birth to our little daughter Mia. The caesarean was necessary as Chrissy’s cervix had failed to dilate. Mia was […]
Lily’s Story
My very first kiss was at the age of 23 and I was not planning on having sex any time soon. I wanted to have sex when I felt ready and I just was not ready. For my 24th birthday, I asked my parents for money to cover the Gardisil vaccine. They were happy to […]
Chelsea’s Story

You know that dreaded Pap test us women know all to well? Well, that is where my story began. Towards the end of January 2012, I decided it was time for me to go and have my Pap test, which was 12 months overdue. I was 23 and it wasn’t the first Pap test I’d […]
Kevin’s Story

I lost my beautiful wife Melissa to cervical cancer in 2013. She was just 38 and we had been together for about 20 years. She was my best friend. We have 3 beautiful children and we all miss her so much everyday. When Melissa was diagnosed it was hard as I didn’t know anyone who’d […]
Kym’s Story

My story actually begins about 30 years ago…. I was diagnosed at 15 in 1982 with PCOD (now called PCOS) and back then they didn’t know much about it. I was put into the Royal Brisbane Children’s Hospital with suspected appendicitis. After 5 days and much prodding, I was told at that point I would […]
Amber’s Story

I was told on the 8th of April 2014 that I had cervical cancer. A month later, after some more tests and an operation, I was told I was stage 2B. On the 23rd of June 2014, I started my treatment that was 5 doses of chemotherapy, 28 rounds of radiation and one weekend of […]
Sue’s Story

The first time I heard about HPV would have been in the 1980’s at an appointment that I had with my gynaecologist. I think I was quite lucky that this man was my doctor – he was doing some research about the possible connection between HPV and cervical cancer, which at that time had not […]
Lauren’s Story

I will never forget the day when I received a text from my very close friend Vicki to tell me she had the ‘C’ word. A range of emotions came over me including: anger, sadness, shock and fear of the unknown – just to name a few. That night when she cried in my arms […]
Leisa’s Story

I was first diagnosed in 2001 with CIN 1 and then after having my first baby in 2010 I was diagnosed in CIN 2. It took about 4 years of abnormal Pap tests, LLETZ procedures and many appointments with my gynaecologist and GP to finally get clear Pap test results. I know it could have […]
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Lou’s Story

Last year in August I went for my routine Pap test, which was about six months overdue. I have suffered from PCOS for a number of years and thought it was playing up again. So a few days after my test I had a internal ultrasound and even though my ovaries were fine they found a mass just […]