Jessica M’s Story
I am a 31 year old mother of 4. My children are aged 5-12 years and are my world. I found out I had stage 1b cervical cancer around 3 months ago. It was the scariest day of my life, if the world could have stopped spinning, it would have been at that moment. The […]
Jessica’s Story
It all started with some light spot bleeding after intercourse. This happened for about 8 months and my mum and partner kept telling me to go see a doctor but I always had some excuse as to why I couldn’t go. I think deep down I had a feeling. Fast forward a few months and […]
Olivia’s Story
I had all the Gardasil vaccinations when I was in my early 20’s and with my second partner (now ex-partner). My first abnormal Pap result came after I had given birth to my second baby in 2008, this cleared away on its own. In May 2016, at the age of 28, I went for my […]
Maresa’s Story
I was a single parent to three teenage boys. My life was busy juggling full time work and the needs of the boys. I always put myself last. This included medical check-ups. A new medical centre opened across the road from my work so one day I popped in there to grab a script. They […]
Kimberley’s Story
My first baby was 4 months old when I was diagnosed with cervical cancer and I had just turned 31. A follow up pap to a low-grade abnormality showed some possible high grade changes. A colposcopy by the same obstetrician who delivered my baby showed adenocarcinoma in situ. I was sent off for a cone […]
Krystyna’s Story
Hi my name is Krys, I’m now 43 but when I was 41 I was diagnosed with cervical cancer via a regular Pap test. I had them done regularly, I’ve never been sick or had a broken bone in my body. No family history. I wasn’t even in a high risk category. I had not […]
Laura’s Story
A PAP SMEAR SAVED MY LIFE! In 2014, my doctor told me I had an adeno (glandular) cervical carcinoma. This is in the less common 20% of cervical cancers. I had been unwell for approximately 6 years with nearly all of the symptoms of cervical cancer but because my Pap smears came back normal, doctors […]
Karen’s Story
When I was 32 I became pregnant with my first child. My doctor asked me when my last Pap smear was, and I admitted it was over 6 years ago. She performed a Pap and the results came back CIN 3 high grade abnormalities. They monitored me throughout my pregnancy and in February 2016 my […]
Mel’s Story
I didn’t fight; I learnt to let go At the age of 31, I was diagnosed with cervical cancer. In that time, I’ve gone from cervical cancer patient to volunteer and then manager at the Australian Cervical Cancer Foundation. Today, I’m a health advocate and university tutor (in health promotion). Through my journey, I met […]
Mandi’s Story
I was 34, single, studying again, and about to embark on my own brand new business when I was diagnosed with CIN3 cancer of the cervix. Treatment for me was a radical hysterectomy. Initially you’re along for the ride, watching almost from the outside as your life unfolds before you. Tests and treatments, other people’s […]
Cassandra’s Story
At age 17 I was told I had high grade cervical abnormalities during my first Pap test. I had no idea what a pap smear or a cervix was. I disregarded the results and continued on with my life. I did not have health insurance, so it was another 4 years before I would have […]
Kirsten’s Story
My 24 Month Roller Coaster Ride To my family, friends, and anyone else reading this… I am sharing my story openly and honestly with the intention of spreading awareness through my new Facebook page ‘Doinitfor’. I hope that by doing this I can somehow make a difference. This is something I’ve become very passionate about […]
Angelica’s Story
In late 2015 I was a fit, active and busy mum of two. We had moved from Tasmania to the Gold Coast two years earlier and were really starting feel at home in Qld. I had been struggling with endometriosis pain every month for 5 years and I ended up in the emergency department of […]
Melissa’s Story
So, my day was travelling along like most others, wrangling the kids and house work. The only difference – I was still recovering from day surgery. But as you know the show must go on, housework doesn’t do itself. Next thing I know, the phone rings and it’s the Midwife in relation to my pathology […]
Lisa’s Story
As one of Australia’s leading keynote speakers, communication experts and cervical cancer survivors, Lisa Lockland-Bell has over 30 years of international experience training, performing and presenting. The collision between Lisa’s career and experience with cancer has formed the foundation of her business today. With a contagious enthusiasm for life, she is changing lives by unlocking […]
Keren’s Story
Where to start with my story. It still seems like yesterday, but almost 2 years ago now a routine Pap test (right on the 2 year mark) came back abnormal. I received a call from my GP’s clinic advising that I needed to book an appointment with their referred gynaecologist as my results were abnormal […]
Victoria’s Story
This time last year (March 2015), less than a year ago, my weeks were busy with hospital visits at the Mater with pre-natal appointments, feeling my son grow and eagerly awaiting his arrival. After Adam was born a (repeat) Pap test showed pre-cancerous cells on my cervix. Biopsies at a later appointment confirmed it was […]
Angela’s Story
As an adventurer, I am always seeking new challenges and to push myself out of my comfort zone. From adrenaline fueled adventures such as solo skydiving, climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro and even diving with sharks – to say I live my life to fullest would be an understatement! Whilst in the midst of planning my next […]
Amanda’s Story
I want to share my story to share the importance of having regular Pap tests, regardless of whether you have had the HPV vaccine. This is what can happen if you delay your pap smear. In 2008 I had a Pap test that came back completely normal. I went on to have my second son […]
Ali’s Story
Hi there, My name is Ali. I guess I’m writing this because I often see stories from survivors who are married or have children and when I found out I had cancer I was in my mid thirties and single. I think it’s important for other women to hear that and know it can still […]