Brooke F’s Story
October 1st 2020, my world changed for the better. My first child was born, a healthy baby girl and I was finally a mum! The same day, my midwife observed what she thought was a polyp on my cervix. At my 6 week health check, I discussed this with my GP. It was still there […]
Courtney’s Story
At the start of Christmas 2019 I noticed myself getting pretty fatigued, though I assumed it was because of my stressful 12-hour days working as a dental nurse. I went to the doctors for a check up and had a Cervical Screening Test, and that’s when I received the news that I was positive for […]
Katherine’s Story
Last year in January 2020 I started to experience lower back pain and my periods became longer than usual. I went to the doctor that same month and told her that my period has not been normal. I went back in February and asked my GP to remove my implanon, thinking maybe that’s what was […]
Bridget’s Story
At the end of the year 2019, everything changed. I had my annual skin check with my doctor and they advised that I may have a thyroid issue. I had bloods taken and when I went back to the GP these results were clear. While I was there, I was reminded that I was overdue […]
Tina’s Story
I was a normal 21 year old, living my best life. However, quite quickly after experiencing some unusual ‘symptoms’ I found myself facing a diagnosis of Advanced Stage III HPV proceeding to cervical cancer. I was referred immediately to a gynaecological oncologist who did some further tests and recommended urgent surgery. I advised I wasn’t […]
Rachael’s Story
This time last year, some abnormal bleeding in between periods prompted me to book an appointment with my GP. Although I was overdue for my pap smear, I’d had the Gardasil vaccination 10 years earlier and no issues since. So I had the blood test and cervical screening test as ordered by my doctor and […]
Bec’s Story
Where do I even start… A brief stint living in New Zealand, could have cost me my life! I was in the middle of packing up our house in NZ when I still remember my letter from my GP stated I was due for my next Pap Smear. I placed it in the draw and […]
Ennalies’s Story
I’m a 41 year old woman who had some unusual discharge (my only symptom) at the end of 2019. I had blood tests, ultrasounds and cervical screenings to confirm what was going on. The tests all came back indicative of cancer. I was then asked to do a colposcopy which I did at the end […]
Emma J’s Story
The day before my wedding I received a call from the hospital with my surgery date to remove precancerous cells. When the day rolled around I was nervous as hell, but I was so glad I was getting it done so that I could concentrate on planning for my honeymoon which was just six weeks […]
Amanda P’s Story
I had always had issues with my monthly cycle and had once been told I had an abnormal pap smear result. I did not follow this up as the doctor had said “it was nothing to worry about”. Having been sexually assaulted in the past I was quite happy to let the follow up pap […]
Katrina C’s Story
My cervical cancer journey began in December 2018 with my first symptom – to say it was terrifying would be an understatement. After visiting my doctor several times with this non-stop symptom I was sent for ultrasounds which came back clear. At first it was all put down to me coming off a contraceptive, but […]
Abby L’s Story
In October 2019 after a routine screening I received a phone call from my GP that changed my life…forever. My results showed that I tested positive to HPV 16 and I was referred to a specialist gynaecologist for a colposcopy. It was an anxious wait until my appointment – so many thoughts and worst case […]
Kira W’s Story
It is hard to know where to start. In 2015 I was 27 and getting married to my best friend of ten years – six months later it was an entirely different story. It all started with me getting a staph infection along my knicker line. I went to my GP and there was a […]
Laura M’s Story
I will always remember the heavy feeling in my stomach when I got called back to see my GP to discuss the results of my regular cervical screening. I had three young children aged 8, 5 and 1 and although I was always tired, I was always pretty vigilant with my health. So when my […]
Serena’s Story
I want to share with you a chapter of my life where at the age of 29 I was diagnosed with cervical cancer. Backtrack a year and a half to when I was 27 and experiencing a lot of abnormal and irregular bleeding. As with many mothers with four young children and a husband, our […]
Daniella D’s Story
2018 was going to be my year. It started with a family holiday on a cruise line & we were going to start trying for our third. It seemed like perfect timing when I received my Pap smear reminder. Of course I hated the thought of going to have it done, but I thought ‘Great, […]
Maria G’s Story
My name is Maria and about 8 to 9 years ago after going to get a pap smear I was told that my blood cells were white and cancerous. I had never gone for a pap smear in my life and didn’t know that every woman should be getting this done on a regular basis. […]
Keryn S’s Story
My life turned upside down when I was diagnosed with cervical cancer in November 1998. I could not believe what my doctor was telling me as I had always had regular pap smears. I was 35 years old with two children aged 6 & 8. I have a very close family and the hardest thing […]
Belle S’s Story
I was diagnosed with cervical cancer on 14 September 2017, but it was a month prior that my symptoms started. I began having strange abnormal bleeding between my period that month. The spotting continued throughout the month; it was a first for me as normally my periods are to the book, never an issue and […]
Kate S’s Story
I feel a bit silly writing ‘my story’ because I’m still smack bang in the middle of living it. My wife and I met while we were training to become police officers in 2011. We got married in February 2018 and we were one of the first gay couples in NSW to get married under […]