Stephanie’s Story

After experiencing spotting between cycles, I booked in for an appointment with my Gynaecologist. I already had a Cervical Screening Test 5 months prior (which came back all good), so cervical cancer wasn’t even on my radar as a cause for my symptoms. Upon examination, my doctor sat me down and said I had […]
Casie’s Story

I was afraid of getting my Pap smear as my mum had CIN3 pre-cancer and half a hysterectomy. I didn’t know too much about it. At 22 I decided to get a Pap smear. I was told that my results showed abornomal cells changing and I would have to wait a year. At 23 years […]
Claire’s Story

This is my story so far. I have been pretty darn close to getting my Pap tests done every 2 years, save for a month or two. This year in June, I really thought nothing of getting my regular testing done and went to visit my GP. A week later I was asked to come […]
Jessica L’s Story

February 2017 I went for my Pap smear (which I have been getting routinely once every two years since I was 18). Results came back as abnormal and to come back in 12 months instead of 2 years for another. February 2018- went back for the follow up Pap smear as recommended. I got a […]
Rebecca’s Story

When I was 23 (2008) I was recommended by a doctor to get the Gardasil vaccine that the government was giving away for free to women in my age bracket, he said it was to help prevent cervical cancer which numbers were raising in Australia, so I went with his advice. 2009 I went for […]
Kylie’s Story

I was moving to Canada and finalising things before I left. It occurred that I hadn’t had a Pap test in a while -turned out it was over 5 years! I booked in with my GP and had it done. A week later I had the call that we all dread, the results were abnormal […]
Jacinda’s Story

It was early March and at the age of 30, 6 weeks after having my 2nd baby, I had my 6 week checkup. I never thought that having a Pap smear would be any different to all the other times I had. However this time it was because the Dr rang me a week later […]
Jess’s Story

A few weeks ago and a week after my 21st birthday I went to the doctor for a regular Pap smear check up, I got a call a few days later asking if I could go in to discuss my test results. The doctor explained that I had CIN1, “just some abnormal cells that would […]
Tara’s Story
68 days ago I sat in a doctors office and was told there was a problem. How could that be? It was 2 weeks before my 30th birthday, surely it can’t be that bad??! 2 days later I was seeing a specialist who was pushing me for a radical hysterectomy and sending me to counselling […]
Sharon’s Story

After the birth of my son in 1992, I had a Pap test. The results showed abnormalities so I was referred to the Colposcopy clinic at the Royal Hobart Hospital. Following the colposcopy I was told I now required a cone biopsy. Looking back I wonder why I didn’t ask more questions and why I […]
Maria’s Story

I am 35, I have 2 children and I have been a Health Worker for 9 years in Catarman, Northern Samar. Last September I was screened for cervical cancer at a clinic where nurses, midwives and health workers were being trained in cervical screening. The method we use here is called VIA (Visual Inspection with […]
Joy’s Story

I am 31 and I live in Catarman, Northern Samar in the Philippines. I am a merchandiser for Jimm’s Coffee and I have one son aged 10. I was recently given the opportunity to be screened for cervical cancer by attending an ACCF screening clinic. Prior to attending the clinic, I had no idea about […]
Donna’s Story

In 1990, at the age of 25 I had been a poor, itinerant, immune deficient autistic person surviving off the streets through living with men who would have me for 10 years. A free Pap test found stage 3 CIN… cervical dysplasia at the final stage before becoming invasive. I had immediate hospital treatment within […]
Lily’s Story
My very first kiss was at the age of 23 and I was not planning on having sex any time soon. I wanted to have sex when I felt ready and I just was not ready. For my 24th birthday, I asked my parents for money to cover the Gardisil vaccine. They were happy to […]
Keira’s Story

In 2008, 6 weeks after the birth of my first child, I had my first ever Pap test. I was 17 at the time and a new mum. My results came back as possible low grade abnormalities. Unsure of what this meant I rang the nurse who performed my Pap test and was told this […]
Ashley’s Story

I was 21 years old when I had my first abnormal Pap test. I was told I had ‘CIN2’ – a moderate grade cell abnormality which required treatment. Naturally I turned to ‘Doctor Google’ and became quietly terrified as the word ‘cancer’ was E V E R Y W H E R E. I was […]
Kym’s Story

My story actually begins about 30 years ago…. I was diagnosed at 15 in 1982 with PCOD (now called PCOS) and back then they didn’t know much about it. I was put into the Royal Brisbane Children’s Hospital with suspected appendicitis. After 5 days and much prodding, I was told at that point I would […]
Brooke G’s Story

I had my first Pap test about a week ago and I got a call from the medical centre asking me to come in as the doctor wants to see me. Today I went in and got my results; a possible high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion. I was in shock I couldn’t stop the tears. I […]
Jasmin’s Story

I’m 26 and married and have 2 beautiful boys aged 2 and 4. When I was 19 I received my first abnormal Pap test result. It came back with low grade changes and was I told to come back in 6 months. Well I was silly and didn’t. My doctor never explained to me what could happen […]
Sue’s Story

The first time I heard about HPV would have been in the 1980’s at an appointment that I had with my gynaecologist. I think I was quite lucky that this man was my doctor – he was doing some research about the possible connection between HPV and cervical cancer, which at that time had not […]